Leading students into a life-changing relationship with Jesus.

Connecting students to Jesus, helping them grow in their faith, and equipping them to serve is what we are all about.

We believe that students on fire for Christ can change the world – we exist to facilitate just that.

Every Sunday and Wednesday our 6-12th graders meet. FUSE Student Ministry is loaded with worship, friends, small groups, and a message geared towards students and their everyday life. Our goal is to create an experience where students can meet Christ and grow in their relationship with Him.


For first-time teens’ check-in, filling out the below form will help save you some time when you visit us!

Every Sunday our 6-12th graders meet at 10:30 AM in the FUSE building.

This February, our students will go through a four-part series called Ruth: Dramatic Redemption. The engaging lessons that will equip students to obey the truth of God’s Word out of love for Christ. Each lesson clearly connects the truth of God’s Word to the life of the student and presents a choice for life transformation.

WEEK ONE (Feb 2): FUSE SUNDAY – Join us as the youth lead all aspects of church during both services.

WEEK TWO (Feb 9th): True Love – Students will learn that love is an action rather than just a feeling and be challenged to find ways to practically love the people in their lives.

WEEK THREE (Feb 16th): Right is Right – Students will learn the importance of living virtuously and will choose to do the right thing in the right way.

WEEK FOUR (Feb 23rd): Happily Ever After – Students will learn about the kinsman-redeemer and will recognize Christ as the ultimate Redeemer from sin.

*6th-8th graders meet on the East side of the FUSE Center.

*9th-12th graders meet on the West Side of the FUSE Center.

Every Wednesday our 6th-12th graders meet from 6:30 – 8 PM in the FUSE building.

Welcome to our brand new series called On Your Own. So often, it feels like we are alone in our life experiences. Having friends who can help us bear the load of tough experiences and grow closer to God can be a lifesaver! Then, why does it feel like we’re often competing against each other? It feels like we’re on a game show or reality show where our only goal is to survive another round at someone else’s expense. There has to be a better way for us to experience our life than On Our Own.

WEEK ONE (Feb 5th): God’s Words Can Help Your Friendships Grow – Some game shows let you ask for help when you face a difficult question because some things are just easier with a team of friends by your side. This week, we’ll see how Ruth and Naomi helped each other by focusing their relationship on their trust in God. Their story is a reminder that God’s words can help your friendships grow.

WEEK TWO (Feb 12th): Your Friends Can Help Your Faith Grow – In many game shows, having a team with unique skills and abilities can make a difference. This week, we’ll hear a story of when Jesus started building His dream team by inviting His first followers to join Him. Jesus’ invitation changed the lives of these men and helped them grow closer to God, a reminder of how your friends can help your faith grow.

WEEK THREE (Feb 19th): God Can Help Us Choose Our Friends Wisely – Some game shows need contestants to decide which objects are real and which are made of cake, but it’s not as easy as we think. This week, we’ll hear from Paul about some qualities we can look for—and develop for ourselves—when looking for quality friendships. His words remind us how God can help us choose our friends wisely.

WEEK FOUR (Feb 26th): God Can Help Repair Broken Friendships – Some teams experience conflict during their competitions, but a disagreement doesn’t mean it’s time to give up. This week, we’ll hear from Jesus about how we can love and care for others even if we’re facing conflict at the moment. Jesus’ words and the way He modeled them for us help us see how God can help repair broken friendships.

Students – looking to emerge as a leader among your peers?

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Contact Pastor Bruce Collier to get on the text list for Fuse or if you have any questions