And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

We passionately desire to see people of all nations believe in and follow Jesus! Thus we send those who surrender their lives to go and invest financially in them to see that passionate desire carried out.

First Baptist Church of Medina’s 30 Day Missionary Prayer Guide

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First Baptist Church Missionaries

Ken & Renee Dockery, Continental Baptist Missions, Cleveland

Ken was a pastor in Pennsylvania when a health issue brought him to the Cleveland Clinic and he became burdened for the inner city of Cleveland. Ken and Renee partnered with Bill and Natalie Taylor to plant CityView Baptist Church in downtown Cleveland in January 2010 at the Wyndham Hotel on Euclid Avenue. They currently meet in the Hilton Garden Inn, have a westside fellowship and hold individual and small-group Bible studies in other areas of Cleveland, including campus ministries at Case Western and Cleveland State University.

Keith Gandy, Baptist Bible Fellowship International, Germany

Keith and Debbie Gandy, missionaries to Germany since 1983, have been supported by FBC since 2013. They share the truth and light of the gospel to a postmodern, relativistic Europe that does not recognize the authority of the Bible. In addition to pastoring the church they founded in Aschaffenburg, they have established daughter churches in the region and also mentor newer missionaries in the challenging mission field of Europe. Their current newsletter, blogs and other info can be found at

Steve Harney, Cool Kids Ministries

 Cool Kids Ministries, Inc is a vibrant children’s ministry utilizing fun and fascination to reach kids in fast-paced programs in churches, school assemblies, camps and radio podcasts.  Ventriloquism, illusion and interaction are just some of the means of sharing the gospel and God’s love. Cool Kids conducts teacher training sessions, provides random acts of coolness resources and has ministry outreaches in Haiti, Taiwan, Romania and the Ukraine. Supported by FBC since 2009.

Mary Herman, Baptist Bible Fellowship International

After more than 30 years teaching at Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO, where she established and directed the Elementary Education Department, Mary was led to begin a new career as a “Missionary Teacher to the Regions Beyond.” Through BBFI, Mary travels to mission fields around the world to train Sunday School teachers, teach in Bible Institutes, and support the teaching and training efforts of other BBFI missionaries. Supported by FBC since 2009. Visit Mary Herman’s Home Page.

Larry & Susan Jarvis – Medina Light Ministries

Larry and Susan are the founders of Medina Light Ministries, an organization that reaches out to inmates of the Medina County Jail and Juvenile Detention Center. Serving as chaplains since 1992, they have counseled, taught and preached the message of God’s redemptive love to thousands of inmates. Their mission is to provide help and hope to those who need it most.  Medina Light Ministries also distributes “Uncuffed,” a monthly newsletter which reaches approximately 750 inmates nationwide with a goal of helping inmates regain their freedom from the inside out. Larry and Sue are faithful members of FBC.

Alex & Pam Konya, Word of Life, Hungary

Alex and Pam have served with Word of Life International since 1992. They ministered in Hungary, where Alex served as director of Word of Life Hungary until 2013, when God called them to step into the regional directorship of Word of Life’s ministries in Europe and Eurasia and they moved to the Czech Republic. Alex is a conference speaker in a number of countries and they help coordinate a vibrant camp and outreach ministry throughout central Europe. Supported by FBC since 2011.

Greg & LuAnn Lyons, Baptist Bible Fellowship International – Global Surge, Philippines

Greg and LuAnn have served as missionaries to the Philippines since 1985. Greg is founder and CEO of Global Surge, a multi-faceted ministry consisting of urban youth, sports and teacher camps, student centers, feeding centers, medical clinics, disaster relief and a bible college. Annual youth camps see thousands of students come to Christ each summer. They have planted several new churches and the ministry extends into Cambodia, Thailand and Pakistan. Supported by FBC since 2010. Lean more at

Nate & Shanna Mast, BlueSky, Kenya

Nate attended FBC from nursery through college and is the son of FBC members David & Deb Mast.  He and Shanna serve with BlueSky Global in Nairobi, Kenya in a ministry with international students. They work with Camp BlueSky and Nate also serves as youth ministry director at International Christian Fellowship. Their ministry is one of relationship building and sharing the gospel with youth through small group Bible studies, activities, teaching, adventures and doing life with the students. Supported by FBC since 2016.  Learn more at

Micah & Audrey McElveen, Vapor Ministries, Africa/Haiti 

Vapor Ministries derives its name from Psalm 39, reminding us that life is like a vapor, requiring urgency in meeting both physical and spiritual needs of people. Their motto of “Meet the need, feed the soul” is accomplished through attracting people to their centers with sports, providing a safe environment, establishing relationships and sharing God’s word. Their mission is to glorify Christ, advance the gospel and serve the poor to alleviate poverty and multiply disciples in third world countries (Haiti, Kenya, Togo). Supported by FBC since 2007. Learn more at

Joe & Noney Mita, Baptist Mid-Missions, Japan

The Mitas are involved in the Grace Baptist Bible School, church planting, Biblical counseling, and other duties as part of the BMM team in Japan. The Mitas have been supported by FBC since 1990.

John & Michelle Morgan, ABWE

John and Michelle served with ABWE as medical missionaries in Togo for two terms. God lead them back to a church planting ministry in the states and then into an ABWE staff position of local and international missionary training. In 2014, John transitioned into ABWE’s Strategic Initiatives & Research Coordinator providing research and initiatives to assist ABWE field teams and national partners in evangelism and church planting. Michele serves with the International Healthcare Division of ABWE and assists in leading short-term medical clinics. Supported by FBC since 1985. Learn more at

Jen S, East Asia

Jen grew up at FBC and is the daughter of FBC members Roger and Barbara S. Jen ministers to the East Asian people in a country where half the population is under the age of 25 and economic and civil turmoil have left people disillusioned, impoverished and craving answers. With so many at-risk youth, Jen’s primary ministry is to young women as she builds relationships, shares and disciples them. Supported by FBC since 2012.

Doug & Amber Staley, SENT INC, Republic of Ireland

Doug and Amber and their four children are church-planting missionaries to the Republic of Ireland, ministering in Mallow, County Cork at Mallow Baptist Church and overseeing Crossroads Bible Institute. Supported by FBC since 2015. Learn more:

Dan & Rachael Stoner, Wycliffe

Dan & Rachael Stoner are both pilots and mechanics who were FBC members that responded to God’s call to the mission field. Their ministry goal is to utilize aviation to expand God’s kingdom “faster and farther”. Dan and Rachael have 4 children. FBC is the sending church for the Stoners and has supported them since 2010. Learn more at

Nate & Karol Watkins, Baptist Mid-Missions, New York City’s Liberian Population

The Watkins have been with Baptist Mid-Missions since 1987, first in Liberia, where they were forced to evacuate due to civil unrest, and later on the Ivory Coast. They are now involved in church planting among the large Liberian population on Staten Island, NY. Nate and Karol have four children and have been supported by FBC since 2009.

Brian & Rachael Weed, Baptist Bible Fellowship International, Nicaragua

The Weeds and their 3 daughters serve in Nicaragua, reaching people through youth camps, VBS, and church ministries. Supported by FBC since 2011.

Dwayne & Tammy Wright, Baptist Bible Fellowship International, Ethiopia

The Wrights have been called to minister to the people of Addis Ababa, the capitol city of Ethiopia. With over 4 million people in the city, there is a great need for New Testament churches. Dwayne and Tammy moved to Addis Ababa with their 4 children in Dec. 2012 and partner with Manna Worldwide to impact children’s lives through spiritual and educational ways. Supported by FBC since 2012. Learn more at

Other Missionaries

First Baptist also supports missionaries in areas where Christian outreach is best done in anonymity. We do not share their info, but please still pray for them and for their work.

Retired Missionaries

Dolores Bunjer

Virgil and Dolores were church planters with Baptist Mid-Missions in Germany for most of their missionary career. Currently, they work with BMM’s ministry to retirees, encouraging them with news, updates and prayer requests relating to missionaries and retirees. FBC has supported the Bunjers since 1962.

Mike & Elva Farrell, Baptist Mid-Missions, France

Mike and Elva Farrell have been church-planting in France since 1982. After teaming with co-workers in Paris and La Rochelle, they are now working alone in Reims, in the northeast corner of France. Supported by FBC since 1982.

Ken & Bertha Frost

Ken and Bertha began their missionary service as New Tribes Missionaries to Brazil in 1974, focusing on river evangelism, literacy and medical aid. In 1991, they returned to NTM headquarters where Ken served as chaplain and business manager for NTM retirees.  FBC has supported them since 1989.

Florence Houck

Supported by FBC since 1977, Florence taught French in a mission elementary school for Muslim nationals in the Niger as well as teaching in VBS, Bible classes, youth gatherings and camp. Additionally, she ran a book store there and guided students in Bible correspondence courses.  Upon retiring, she continued to be involved in Bible correspondence courses through Source of Light Ministries

Barry & Linda Jones

Barry and Linda served with ABWE, teaching in seminaries and encouraging missionaries throughout the world, mainly Myanmar, Thailand, the Philippines and Mexico. They filled in for missionaries on furlough and strengthened ministries through leadership training. Before focusing on missions, Barry served as a pastor for many years. They now live in Michigan. Supported by FBC since 2004.

Stan & Junia Schauer

Stan and Junia spent many years with Wycliffe Bible Translators translating the New Testament for the Yucana people of southeast Colombia and training them to understand the Scriptures. Since their retirement, they have helped with translation projects in several central American countries. Junia is the daughter of FBC’s first missionary, the Rev. Emil Halverson. Supported by FBC since 1968.

Joy Spieth, Baptist Mid-Missions, Brazil

Joy has been supported by FBC since 1970. Her parents also served as missionaries to Brazil with BMM. Joy’s training as a nurse helps define her ministry to the people of Brazil. Along with sharing her medical expertise, Joy teaches in the Baptist Seminary of Amazonas, uses her musical abilities, and is very active in the groundwork of several new congregations. 

Miscellaneous Ministries Supported by First Baptist Church Missions

Bibles International (the Bible Society of Baptist Mid-Missions)

BMM (Baptist Mid-Missions)

GARBC (General Association of Regular Baptist Churches)

Medina Internationals (ministry to local internationals)

OARBC (Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches)

Oasis of Hope Pregnancy Support Center – Medina

Ohio Christian Alliance

Voice of the Martyrs 

OBBF (Ohio Baptist Bible Fellowship) 

Baptist Bible College (Springfield, MO)